《白蛇:缘起》原班配音全体回归《白蛇:缘起》中国风画面;美到炸裂 角色丰满圈粉不停《白蛇》3D升级版有望年内上映《白蛇2:青蛇劫起》IMAX官宣图《白蛇2:青蛇劫起》IMAX专属剧照《白蛇2:青蛇劫起》的配音阵容也是汇聚了一众专业大咖,前作中为小青配音的唐小喜再次回归,完美演绎小青的坚毅与柔情,同时回归的还有宝青坊主的配音郑小璞、老狐狸宝青坊主的配音马程、小白的配音张喆、许仙的配音杨天翔,加上魏超、赵铭洲、宋旭晨、邱邱等实力派的加盟,他们的精彩演绎必将令这个奇幻世界的众角色更加生动
Young, bestselling author Eryn Bellow concludes her bookstore tour with her agent selling film rights and closing a six figure advance for her follow-up. Headwinds arise as critics get offended by the claims that Eryn is being declared a living literary legend.77mi.cc The storm gathers force as the assaults gravitate from bad reviews to a fake-memoir designed to obliterate her from the field. Through the noise, Eryn attempts to write her way out of the public fray, and reclaim her voice in the minds of her readers. Along the way, she hopes to prove a happy ending is not always a bad thing.
Olivia Thirlby is the eye at the centre of a very sexy storm in this warm, hysterically funny dramedy. When her young filmmaker breezes into town, she es riding a wave of effortless sexiness, which carries her through a net of passions-gone-wild as m